Rouletted pipe

A "small belly" pipe bowl with typical rouletting, probably manufactured in Bristol, England
white clay pipes

A sample of white clay pipe bowls from the Hollister Site
red pipe bowl

An example of a terra cotta red clay pipe bowl. Red pipes from the site are currently being investigated to determine if they were of local manufacture.
English slipwares

English slip-decorated wares including early Staffordshire fine-combed varieties.
buff bodied wares

English buff-bodied earthenwares with a clear lead glaze. Some are molded varieties. XRF analysis indicates the use of arsenic and sulfur in the glaze recipe.
Wangunk pottery

Native American rim sherd from the South Cellar. The local pottery was most likley manufactured by nearby Wangunk tribal members.
Wangunk pottery

Refit section of a large Native pottery vessel found in the Hollister Middle Cellar.
painted sherd

A Native pottery sherd from the Hollister site that appears to have been painted. Painted Native vessels are otherwise undocumented in New England.

A variety of beads have been found, incuding imported glass trade beads, brass beads and even a locally made shell bead.
Charles I farthing

Charles I Type 4 Rose farthing fragment, 1639-1643.

interior of decorated tin glazed earthenware

Cobalt decorated varieties of tin glazed earthenware

Pink and white glazed varieties of tin glazed earthenware
Stoneware exteriors

Varieties of probable Rhenish stoneware, Germany.
Stoneware base

A probable German bellarmine jar base sherd.
flattened kettle

A crushed kettle fragment.
brass bell

A brass bell, possibly a sleigh bell part.
Latten spoon

A latten spoon from the East Cellar with a triple-spoon touch mark, typical of the mid to late 17th century.
Window glass

Window glass from the North Cellar
mica window pane

Mica replacement window pane from the North Cellar
crushed lead window came

Window came is sometimes stamped with a date, but this fragment was not.
bear metatarsal

A bear paw bone with arthritis indicates that this was an old bear when hunted.
bone handle

This carved bone handle for a knife or other utensil was probably made on site.
Sheep shears

These shears support the probate evidence for sheep on the farm.
2017 cellar 5 finds

A sample of finds from Cellar 5 at the South end of the site. Materials include a delftware platter and bowl sherds, Italian marbleized slipware, Staffordshire ware, wampum beads and clay pipe fragments.
crusader and huntress pipe

The Crusader and Huntress pipe bowl on the left was also found in Cellar 5. The pipe may be of French manufacture and this may be the first example of the type in southern New England.
jug handle

A red-bodied possible stoneware jug with lustrous glaze from Cellar 5 at the south end of the site excavated in 2017.
jug sherds

Additional sherds from the same jug.