Ceramics from the 2018 excavation block were dominated by English slip-decorated wares, suggesting this portion of the site dates primarily to the final quarter of the 17th Century. However, pipe stem makers marks and bore diameters suggest activity on this area during the third quarter of the 17th Century as well.
Typical slip-decorated wares

Italian marbleized slipware sherd (ca. 1650).

Staffordshire comb-decorated ware

Possible possible North Devon gravel-tempered ware

reverse slip-decorated ware

A large red earthenware sherd with lead-glazed interior

Chinese Scholar motif, faience 1675-1695, English or Dutch

cobalt blue decorated tin-glazed earthenware (delftware)

Small finds from 2018
Small finds included a thimble, beads, gunflints, metal objects and an Arabic coin from Yemen (1692).
Small brass thimble

domed button

white glass bead

bifacial gunflint

Arabic coin

A possible lead bale seal

Small brass chain

lead window came

yellow gunflint

lead fragment

lead musket ball, large shot

black glass bead

brass bolster

brass ring

mystery slag

Clay pipes from 2018
Clay pipes included examples of white ball clay (kaolin) and terracotta varieties.
terracotta pipe bowl

Terracotta pipe bowl, very well-preserved. These red clay pipes may be of local manufacture.
Lluelin Evans pipe bowl

Lluelin Evans pipe bowl stamped "LE" on back of bowl
Lluelin Evans pipe stem

Lluelin Evans pipe stem stamped "LE", ca. 1661-1688
Philip Edwards pipe bowl

Philip Edwards pipe bowl stamped "PE" on heel (1649-1702)
Lluelin Evans pipe stem

Lluelin Evans pipe stem showing decorative diamond motif
red terracotta pipe fragment

A small red terracotta pipe fragment - more typical of fragments usually recovered.
Excavation shots
Images taken during the ongoing excavation in 2018
Drone view of the block

Drone view detail

Oblique view of the block

excavation at 60cm

Excavation at 100cm

sherds and bone on floor

Fe 20 bone layer

Fe 20 pottery

main profile