2019 Office of State Archaeology Summer Field Schools
The Office of State Archaeology offers five summer field schools for a variety of audiences. Each field school lasts a week and participation is limited, so be sure to enroll early. Participation costs vary by program. To enroll in a field school contact Brian Jones at brian.jones@uconn.edu with the subject line “OSA Field School”. To ensure enrollment, payment should be made to “Office of State Archaeology, UConn” as early as possible. Checks should be mailed to: Brian Jones, Office of State Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, 354 Mansfield Rd, Unit 1176, Storrs, CT 06269-1176.
Archaeology Field School for Kids
Monday June 24 – Friday June 28, 9:00AM to noon, $185
UConn, Storrs CT (directions will be provided to registrants)
Do you like uncovering evidence to solve mysteries? Do you like the idea of getting your hands dirty while exploring the past? Spend a week with UConn archaeologists exploring the world of field archaeology. You will learn about the science, tools, and methods used by archaeologists and be part of a real archaeological field crew! Participants will be doing hands-on fieldwork and laboratory research at a professional, ongoing archaeological dig. We have been opening new areas of our on-campus dig site each year and every session we uncover something new!
An exciting find!

Archaeology Field School for Educators
Please note: this program will likely be rescheduled to the week of July 15-19 9:00AM thru 3:00PM, $50
[Please contact me for more information or check back here soon. Originally posted as Monday July 1-5]
Windsor, CT
Educators can spend a week learning about archaeology with OSA’s Field School for Educators. This field school is designed to give those who teach social sciences a deeper understanding of archaeology and local history. For those who provide archaeological opportunities for students, it will also emphasize the ethical aspects of archaeology, as well as proper archaeological field techniques, data management, and reporting.
Participants will experience an authentic archaeological investigation, working with primary sources at a historic site in Windsor. They will also learn about the role of the Connecticut Office of State Archaeology and how it can be an important resource in developing archaeological lessons and activities for students.
Educators Field School

Archaeology Field School for Veterans and Active Duty Military Personnel
Monday July 29 thru Friday Aug 2, 9:00AM to 3:00, No Cost, but spaces are limited
(Details on the final location will be provided to registrants.)
Veterans and active duty military personnel will spend a week doing hands-on archaeology at an Archaeology Field School sponsored by the Office of State Archaeology. The field school will cover the basics of field methods, paperwork, data management, and artifact identification. Learning proper archaeological methods will develop the participant’s understanding of the ethical aspects of archaeology and the archaeologist’s responsibility to preserve the data they retrieve so that it will remain valuable to future researchers. This year’s excavation is currently planned for a Revolutionary War site in New Haven.
Vets Dig Week

Archaeology Field School for Adults
Monday August 5 thru Friday August 9, 9:00AM to 3:00, $200
Glastonbury, CT (Details will be provided to registrants.)
Spend a week learning about Connecticut archaeology! This field school will cover the ethical aspects of archaeology, as well as proper archaeological field techniques and data management. As a member of this program, you will have the opportunity to participate in an official Connecticut Office of State Archaeology dig. The dig will take place at a recently discovered and very significant site dating to the mid to late 1600s. Your findings will add important information to our understanding of Connecticut’s rich historic past!
Adult Field School

FOSA Members Field School
Monday August 12 thru Friday August 16, 9:00 – 3:00, Free to FOSA Members, but space is limited so be sure to register!
Glastonbury, CT (Details will be provided to registrants.)
A special week just for FOSA members – spend a week learning about Connecticut archaeology! This field school will cover the proper archaeological field techniques and data management for experienced and beginner excavators. As a member of this program, you will have the opportunity to participate in an official Connecticut Office of State Archaeology dig. The dig will take place at a recently discovered and very significant site dating to the mid to late 1600s. Your findings will add important information to our understanding of Connecticut’s rich historic past! This field school was developed for FOSA members. To become a FOSA member please visit fosa-ct.org for more information.
FOSA Field School